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1. Smoking reduces the risk of breast cancer
A new study in the journal of the National Cancer Institute (May 20, 1998) reported that carriers of certain gene mutations (which tend to be carriers of breast cancer), who smoked for more than 4 pack years (ie, the number of packs per day multiplied by the number of years smoking ) according to statistics apparently decreased significantly by 54 percent in incidence of breast cancer when compared with carriers who never smoked. One of the strengths of this study is that the decrease in incidents exceeds the 50 percent threshold.

2. Smoking Reduces Parkinson's Risk
A lot of evidence suggests that smoking against Parkinson's disease. A recent study adds strong evidence to previous reports that smoking can protect people from Parkinson's disease. In particular, the new study shows a temporal relationship between smoking habits and reduced risk of Parkinson's disease.
That is, the protective effect on Parkinson's decreases after smokers stop smoking. Another study of the positive effects of smoking on Parkinson's Desease (PD) was a study of 113 male twin pairs. The research team led by Dr Tanner continues to see significant differences when doses are calculated up to 10 or 20 years before diagnosis.
They conclude that these findings deny the claim that people who smoke tend to have PD. There are many other studies on useful smoking habits against Parkinson's.

3. Smokers are stronger and recover faster from heart attacks and strokes
Major studies have shown other benefits of smoking, the benefits of restenosis or narrowing of blood vessels that cause restricted blood flow, such as blood vessels to the heart (cardiovascularsisease) or to the brain (stroke). Smokers have a better chance of survival and faster healing.
Other studies have suggested that krbon monoxide can reduce heart attacks and strokes. Carbon monoxide is a by-product of tobacco smoke. A report showing very low levels of carbon monoxide could help victims of heart attacks and strokes.

Carbon monoxide inhibits blood clotting, thereby dissolving dangerous lumps in the arteries. The researchers focused on the close similarity between carbon monoxide and nitric oxide that keep blood vessels widened and prevent the buildup of white blood cells.
Recently nitric oxide has been upgraded from ordinary air pollutants to become the second most important internal physiological link. Therefore, it would not be surprising that paradoxically carbon monoxide can save the lungs from injury due to blockage of blood vessels to the heart (cardiovascularblockage).

4. Smoking reduces the risk of severe shrinkage of the gums
It was mentioned that tobacco is the root of all dental and mouth disease problems. Whereas a study showed that smokers actually lower risk of gum disease.

5. Nicotine kills the germs that cause tuberculosis (TB)
One day Nicotine may be a surprising alternative as a treatable TB medicine, says a researcher from the University of Central Florida (UCF). These compounds stop the growth of TB germs in a laboratory test, even when used in small quantities, says Saleh Naser, a professor of microbiology and molecular biology at UCF. Most scientists agree that nicotine is a substance that causes people to become addicted to cigarettes.

6. Smoking prevents asthma and other allergic diseases
A study of two generations of Swedish residents showed in a multi-variation analysis that some children of mothers who smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day tended to have a lower chance of developing allergic rhino-conjunctivitis, allergic asthma, atopic eczema and food allergies, children of mothers who never smoked. Children of fathers who smoke at least 15 cigarettes a day have the same tendency.

7. Smoking prevents rare skin cancer
A researcher at the National Cancer Institute believes that smoking can prevent the development of skin cancer that affects mainly the elderly in the Mediterranean regions of Southern Italy, Greece and Israel. Not that smoking is recommended for that population, says Dr James Goedert, but the important thing is tobacco smoking can help to prevent rare forms of cancer. And this is a recognition from researchers at the National Cancer Institute that there are benefits from smoking.
8. Nitric Oxide in nicotine reduces inflammation of the colon
Nicotine reduces circular muscle activity, primarily through the release of nitric oxide, in cases of ulcerative colitis (UC) or intestinal inflammation. These findings may account for some of the nicotine (and smoking) benefit therapies of UC and may explain the dysfunction of colonic movements in active disease.

9. Smoking is good for pregnant women to prevent hypertension during pregnancy and mother-to-child transmission of Helicobacter pylori infection.
The concentration of cotinine urine (toxic metabolized tobacco in the body) confirms the reduced risk of Preeclampsia with exposure to tobacco exposure. Preeclampsia is a medical condition in which hypertension occurs in pregnancy (pregnancy with hypertension) that works with a large amount of protein in the urine. This study, although small, suggests one of the benefits of smoking during pregnancy.

10. Nicotine transdermal effects on cognitive performance (think) of people with Down Syndrome
A study of the effect of nicotine-agonist stimulation with 5 mg of implant skin tissue, compared with placebo (control medication), on cognitive performance in five adults with impairment. Improvements may be related to attention and information processing seen in Down syndrome patients compared with their health control.
Down syndrome is a disease caused by abnormalities on chromosome 21 in the q22 band SLC5A3 gene, which can be recognized by looking at a fairly typical clinical manifestation. The disorder that affects the underdevelopment of the child's physical and mental growth was first recognized in 1866 by Dr.John Longdon Down.


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